Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where's my apron...


Who doesn't love to eat?  Whether it's some type of exotic food or your everyday comfort food.  Let's face it, food it yummy.

I love to cook.  Actually right now - I will change that statement to say I loved to cook.  Right now it's kind of challenging to muster the desire to want to get in the kitchen and cook when I know I can't eat it.  I know, I know.  But my family still needs to eat.  I am trying to find a way to get over it.

I am trying to force myself to look at my cooking magazines and cookbooks again - watch exotic food shows or just food shows in general.  Trying to re-spark that inspiration and desire within to want to be creative in the kitchen.  There was a time before I recently got really sick - that I would love when my husband would bring home an unusual item and I would have to figure out some way to cook it.

I need to work on looking at food differently.  I know the time will come again when I want to be back in the kitchen whipping up deliciousness.  Maybe I will surprise my family with a meal next week...

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