Just woke up - again.
Staying in the hospital does horrible things for your ability to sleep. There are the 1am visits from the lab to draw my blood work. The 5am rounds from the team of doctors. There's also the fun roommates and people in the rooms around you.
The first woman I had in my room talked non-stop - to me, on the phone, to the nurses, to the walls - I think to anyone she could get to listen. Her boyfriend that came to visit, well we will just say he was just as entertaining but on a much higher level - volume level that is. Then there was her snoring and talking in her sleep - on top of her lung hacking.
The second woman that I shared this room with - didn't talk as much - but she loved her TV. Loved her TV and light that they needed to be turned all the way up for the entire night. At one point I tried to put my TV on and it was not worth it for how loud I would have had to make it to just be able to hear it over hers.
The biggest 'entertainment' these past two days, has had to come from the man that was admitted across the hall early this morning. He doesn't understand the concept of the call button for the nurses - instead he insists on yelling for people when he needs them. The doesn't understand that concept of the fact that they have put a catheter on him - something which he is not happy about and hasn't threatened to pull it out himself. He doesn't understand that he is a fall risk - and he has actually fallen 4 times out of bed. He doesn't understand why they had to finally resort to restraining him to his bed. He is very vocal with very select words when yelling at those around him.
The entertainment has kept me somewhat distracted - somewhat. The results of my CAT Scan came back - and it didn't show any obstructions (which is what they were looking for, I guess). I will be in the hospital through at least Tuesday - which means I will miss out on the Labor Day Weekend and more importantly being there for my daughter on her first day of school. Fortunately my mom is going to go up to the house and be there with her - since my husband and son have to leave so early for work.
They started me on a PPN treatment today with the high probability that I will be leaving the hospital on TPN treatment. These are both basically how I am taking in my nutrition. Which if it means that in order for me to have an improved quality of life, more energy, etc. - than I have no problems walking around hooked up to an IV all the time.
I do have to say that one of the things which has made this hospital day go a lot smoother than those in my past - is the overwhelming support I am receiving from family and friends. Between phone calls, text messages, facebook posts and visits - it's what is helping me to keep my chip up. Today I had a visit from two of my ninja sisters - which my apologizes to them for me fighting to stay awake (it's pretty bad when it is quieter during the day than it is at night). And then I also had a visit from my husband, son, daughter and my parents. I hate seeing people in situations like this - but I also know that they are my reality check that I will be out of here soon enough and back home.
Ah, to be back home. Well, it's that time again that my eyelids are heavier than bowling balls and I need to go sleep. Thank you for the support and for helping to raise awareness.
you are apologizing for being tired when you are in the hospital and someone comes to visit. Silly Ninja. But it made me wonder, would a guy be so apologetic?
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