Thursday, October 13, 2011

A potential option...

Why does getting an appointment to see the "good" doctors have to be so challenging?  I know the answer to the question, it's just frustrating I guess.  I am still trying to get through to the new guy's assistant to make an appointment.  Not so surprisingly - I still haven't heard anything back from my current gastroenterologist.  He was supposedly going to call me to schedule the j-tube.  Definitely not rushing that phone call.

Tonight's internet research focused on Domperidone.  Every time I have gone in for an appointment and the current treatment option doesn't work - my doctor would always ask me if I had ever taken Domperidone before.  My response has always been the same - No.  To which he has never had a response - never asked any further questions or suggested that I try taking it.

The concept of Domperidone is that it helps move food through your digestive tract.  There's a catch.  It hasn't been FDA approved for use in the United States yet.  Which means I can't just get a prescription and take it to my local pharmacy.  I would have to order it on the internet from some place like Canada.

I am not really sure how I feel about taking a medication that isn't approved here in the States.  I have been trying to see what information I can find online - a lot of which so far has been individual patient experiences.  As with anything, I am finding a mix of information.  Still not really sure what I think just yet.

The dietitian that I speak to every week, had actually suggested yesterday calling my gastroenterologist up and telling him I wanted more information about Domperidone, dosing, how to obtain it, etc.  She thought I should give it a try, as she is aware of some gastroparesis patients who have had some relief with it.  Problem is, I really don't feel like calling him and at this point I also don't know that I trust his judgement on anything.  Instead I think I will add to my list of things to discuss with the new doctor - whenever I get in to see him.

I also 'caved' tonight and ate something I shouldn't have.  And while I am already paying for it - it was yummy at the time.  The family hasn't had pizza in quite some time, so tonight I ordered them a pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni.  I cut a slice in half, so it was more like a sliver.  After the second bite I already felt full, but I was insistent that if it was going to make me uncomfortable and sick - that I was going to eat that whole darn sliver of pizza.  And I did.  And it was yummy.  And my big round belly is in effect.

Domperidone = Uncertainty
Pizza = Yumminess
Yumminess = Big Belly

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