Monday, January 2, 2012

It's not working...

So far I gotta say I am not seeing any improvements with the patches.  If anything I have acquired a new symptom - constant headache.

Tomorrow is Day 5 for this patch.  So I will swap it out for a new one and then I will see how the subsequent five days go.  If after those five days I am still not seeing an improvement and this headache thing still remains, than I will be ditching the idea of using the patch.  The only reason that I am even considering doing the additional five days is because I have some down time from working and thus the 'luxury' of being able to rest if need be.

I've also been having some intense abdominal pain, but I don't think that is related to the patch - but then again it could be, who knows.  Guess I might find out for certain if I stop the patches in the near future.

What I do know is that I am trying to detox my body a little.  I've gotten into the habit of drinking more caffeine - whether it be coffee or soda - because it helps give me that energy rush since my energy levels are pretty much non-existent.  But I am working on cutting that back - not going to go full cold turkey because that will only intensify my headache I'm sure.  But it's time to try to get back to drinking more water and stuff.

I was looking at pictures of me of what I looked like before I got sick.  I just look so much healthier - thinner - clearer complexion - fit.  It still boggles my mind to some extent that my body is just holding onto every ounce it has even though I barely eat.  I know my body is in survival mode, but you would think I would weigh about 100lbs right now.  I know it's going to be hard - it might actually not be possible - but I want to try to get back to looking like I did in 2010.  It's depressing to see pictures of me now compared to then.

Anyhow.  So one more round with the patches and then I will make my final decision if they stay or go - but if I had to decide right now, they would go.  Not making me feel any better and they are jacking up my head.  Time to rest.

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