So my plans of yesterday were altered.
After jumping out of the shower yesterday afternoon, I noticed that my current patch was only half way on. So I had a choice - tape it down with medical tape so it stays in place for one more day or just remove it.
I removed it.
In that moment - of my head pounding, the nausea still strongly present and my energy levels pretty low - I came to the conclusion that the patch was not helping me and that I didn't want to spend another day with these added symptoms. I figured I would see how I felt for a few days without it and that would help me decide if I would try them again.
Well. My headache is gone. The abdominal pains are back to their 'normal' levels. The constipation which was increased from the patch has been eleviated.
So I think my decision has been made when it comes to the patches. Not really up for taking medication which intensifies my symptoms - the symptoms are hard enough to deal with at their normal levels.
On to the next plan...
It's like grappling. If plan A isn't working transition quickly to the next plan and so. Relax and roll, baby! I am glad your headache is gone. Can't say I am glad you pain is back to it's normal levels, though. Wish it was gone all together.