What is it about being a woman - a mom and wife - that makes us push our bodies beyond its limits? That instead of listening to our bodies to rest or slow down - we continue to push ourselves because we have either over committed or are just trying to tackle too much by ourselves?
I found myself in this situation today. Most would think that what I tackled today was not much and why would I think that I had done too much. Add into that the amount of time that it took me to accomplish it and some might wonder what the heck I had been doing all day - that I should have accomplished a lot more.
Grocery shopping.
Unload car and put food away.
Take all the dirty laundry down to basement.
Sort laundry.
Do 7 loads of laundry.
Clean family room. (and by clean, I mean clean - not just straighten up)
Clean dining room. (see above)
Clean hallway bathroom. (see above)
Straighten up kitchen - cause I'm just gonna trash it again tomorrow.
Clean out and organize my closet.
So I started all of this at 10:30am and eleven hours later, I am sitting down for the first time. 11 hours.
The more I moved, the more my stomach became distended. The empty feeling I was experiencing this morning, hasn't gone away. At one point I did have to stop for a few moments and eat a peanut butter sandwich - something with protein because I felt like I was gonna fall over.
I'm struggling again these past few days. Something which I am not happy about. Something which is weighing on my mind a bit. As a person with gastroparesis, someone who has already been on TPN treatment - it sits in the back of my mind the fact that I could always need to go back on TPN. I'm experiencing some of the same sensations I did before. I need to start checking my weight again - make sure that I don't start dropping again.
All though I wasn't smart today about pushing my body beyond its limits - I will be smarter about seeing a doctor if the time comes that it's warranted. Last time I waited too long and my veins were in bad shape - don't want to go through that again. But I'm not there yet and really praying that I am just having a rough couple of days and that this is going to pass.
I would be completely happy to just wake up tomorrow feeling better - no presents needed - just waking up feeling normal.
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