Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I've seen better days...

Today was not one of my better days.

I try really hard to kind of eat the same things each day - hoping my body will adjust to the foods or tolerate them a little better.  Foods which for the most part (at least in my eyes) are pretty bland.

Breakfast was eggs.  Lunch was turkey and cheese.  Had my usual coffee this morning and some water.

So why am I sitting here with a massive stomach that I have been sporting for the past 8+ hours?  I knew it was going to be an issue, as I sat at my desk at work and felt the intense stabbing pains in the middle of my back.  The pain would continue to intensify.  Working it's way straight through my back into my abdomen.

Unfortunately, I am out of pain medication.  I called my doctor's office explaining that I cannot get in for an appointment but needed him to call in a refill on my medication.  As of yet, the script hasn't been called in.  So here I lie on the couch with my massive belly, breathing as shallow as possible because it hurts to abdomen so distended that it is pushing up into my chest wall and making it painful to breath.

For the most part I have been doing pretty good for the past few weeks, with very minor episodes.  So I am hoping that this is something which will be gone by tomorrow and isn't an indicator that things are acting up again.  I don't need this to put a damper on my holidays or my desire to get back on the mat to take a class.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow.

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